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All of about WeChain Network

Wechain is currently offering Airdrop 1000 WCN to members who apply for KYC. The steps are as follows.
First go to wedsite: and click on “Sign up” to complete the steps as instructed on wed, verify mail upon completion of registration and KYC to receive 1000 WCN airdrop.

What is WeChain Network project?

Wechain Networks is a global Decentralized Social Networks on the blockchain and smartcontract to help users control their sharing data.

WeChain Network Solution:

The line of the network blocks application filesystem is not allowed to be found, where no Facebook database is currently now.
Since its early inception, social media has quickly gone from a simple novelty used only to keep friends updated and included on our daily lives to becoming a grow-ing source of entertainment, news, and community. And as nearly three billion people now utilize social media in some shape or form, its impact on life cannot be denied. From those nearly billion active users, volumes upon volumes of data are generated, saved, and often sold to the highest bidder. Essentially selling people’s personalities, secrets, and lives to corporations that utilize that information to create targeted ad campaigns. And this happens every moment of every day. 
WeChain Network aims to change that and redefine how social media interacts within our lives. 
Gone is the large collection of centralized servers that are vulnerable to hacking, storing troves of sensitive data to be used as companies see fit. In their place, a more transparent, honest, and open blockchain format that allows every user to hold WeChain Network accountable for data. 
WeChain Network is built upon the main prin-ciples of privacy and security as an undeniable right, giving each user unprecedented protection and security and allowing you to connect with everyone you know safely, and most importantly, securely.

How does WeChain Network Work?

WeChain Network dynamically splits the network of blockchain nodes into different subgroups, called shards, with each shard formed to process and reach consensus on a subset of transactions. This way, disjoint subsets of transactions can be processed in parallel, and significantly boost the transaction throughput by orders of magnitude. Eventually, such transactions are merged into a new block that is committed to the blockchain.
The primary challenge in realizing such network sharding is how to ensure the security of the protocol. The naive approach would suffer from much higher susceptibility to compromised blocks as the size of the consensus groups is smaller under network sharding. To address security implications from it, we invent a new protocol that achieves scalability with strong security guarantees

The gist of our network sharding key protocol is to leverage a proof-of-work (PoW) puzzle to elect and update a directory service committee in a decentralized and democratic manner. The directory service committee is tasked to coordinate the sharding process, as well as validate the blocks of transactions proposed by each shard and verify if they have received approval from a sufficiently large quorum within the shard.


TokenSales Detail:

WCN Crowdsale
Name of token: WeChain
Network Symbol: WCN Token
Standard: ERC20
Standard Decimals: 2
Token contract address: 0xafe8ba38ec668db1d30c805c40983839bf8b4278
Role of Token: Utility Token. Use for purchase goods and services on social media platform
Total supply: 10,000,000,000 WCN Available token for sale: 4,500,000,000 (45% of supply) Emission: All unsold and unallocated tokens will be destroyed, and additional release of tokens will not be possible
Period of Sale: 
22nd July 2018 at 21:00 UTC to 23rd September 2018 at 21:00 UTC
Cost of 1 WCN: 01 ETH = 100,000WCN
Softcap/Minimum Goal: $5 million - Softcap goal reached
Hardcap/Maximum Goal: $25 million
Accepted currencies: Ethereum

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